Obtaining a fair settlement from insurance companies can be challenging. Doing so, while managing medical bills and trying to focus on recovery, can seem downright impossible. That is the reason many insurance companies offer quick settlements to unrepresented injured parties. Those settlements often do not fully compensate the injured party.
Fortunately, you do not have to navigate this process alone. At Kalil and LaCount, we have experience building a strong case to maximize your recovery. You are not limited to compensation for medical treatment. Individuals can recover lost wages, loss of future income, pain and suffering, and damages to personal property. Punitive damages may be available where injuries were caused by egregious conduct. Compensation may even be available for the spouse of a person who has been injured.
If you, a family member, or a friend has been injured, please contact our office today at (603) 964-1414 for a complementary evaluation of your case.